Become A Sales Agent
Earn As Much As You Want!
Hi Friends greetings from AMC! we. have introduce new earning source for all means everyone become our sales agents one who have the knowledge of computer or mobile. without any investment.
Q. Who can Become our Sales Agent?
A. Any one can become our sales agent viz. Working/Non working/Fresher/College Students/House Wife etc. only just have the knowledge of computer or mobile.
Q. How I can become sales agent?
A. There is a simple process to become a sales agent process is mention here Click the link
Go to Login/Register Tab->Click Registration->Fill the detail as per registration form-> Chose User Type "Sales Agent" complete the form and upload require documents -. the click Register tab -> you will we prompted for OTP which is delivered at your mobile as SMS fill up OTP and click Verify Button. After Verification you will get Success message and an email with login credential and reset password link at your registered e mail. Please Wait for 24-48 Hours to get approved your Account. you will receive an email for approval of account after approval of account you are able to login your account. View Video Click Here
Q. How to login in my account? View Video Click Here
Its normal an simple process click the link
Go to Login/Register Tab->Click it you will find side login for there are different way to login 1. use your user name and password. 2. Use your Facebook or Google Account. 3. Login with OTP.